

Nomadic is an enterprise-grade toolkit by NomadicML focused on parameter search for ML teams to continuously optimize compound AI systems, from pre to post-production. Rapidly experiment and keep hyperparameters, prompts, and all aspects of your system production-ready. Teams use Nomadic to deeply understand their AI system's best levers to boost performance as it scales.

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🗂️ Installation

You can install nomadic with pip (Python 3.9+ required):

pip install nomadic

📄 Documentation

Full documentation can be found here:

Please check it out for the most up-to-date tutorials, cookbooks, SDK references, and other resources!

Local Development

Follow the instructions below to get started on local development of the Nomadic SDK. Afterwards select the produced Python .venv environment in your IDE of choice.


make setup_dev_environment
source .venv/bin/activate


Coming soon!

Build Nomadic wheel


source .venv/bin/activate # If .venv isn't already activated
make build

💻 Example Usage

Optimizing a RAG to Boost Accuracy & Retrieval Speed by 40%

For other Quickstarts based on your application: including LLM safety, advanced RAGs, transcription/summarization (across fintech, support, healthcare), or especially compound AI systems (multiple components > monolithic models), check out our 🍴Cookbooks.

1. Import Nomadic Libraries and Upload OpenAI Key

import os

# Import relevant Nomadic libraries
from nomadic.experiment import Experiment
from nomadic.model import OpenAIModel
from nomadic.tuner import tune
from nomadic.experiment.base import Experiment, retry_with_exponential_backoff
from nomadic.experiment.rag import (

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
import json

# Insert your OPENAI_API_KEY below

2. Define RAG Hyperparameters for the Experiments

Say we want to explore (all of!) the following hyperparameters and search spaces to optimize a RAG performance:

Parameter Supported values Pipeline Stage
chunk_size 128, 256, 512 Retrieval
top_k 1, 3, 5 Retrieval
overlap 50, 100, 150 Retrieval
similarity_threshold 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 Retrieval
embedding_model “text-embedding-ada-002”, “text-embedding-curie-001” Retrieval
model_name “gpt-3.5-turbo”, “gpt-4” Both
temperature 0.3, 0.7, 0.9 Inference
max_tokens 300, 500, 700 Inference
retrieval_strategy “sentence-window”, “full-document” Retrieval
reranking_model true, false Inference
query_transformation “rephrasing”, “HyDE”, “Advanced contextual refinement” Retrieval
reranking_step “BM25-based reranking”, “dense passage retrieval (DPR)”, “cross-encoder” Inference
reranking_model_type “BM25”, “DPR”, “ColBERT”, “cross-encoder” Retrieval

Explanation of New Parameters:

chunk_size = tune.choice([256, 512])
temperature = tune.choice([0.1, 0.9])
overlap = tune.choice([25])
similarity_threshold = tune.choice([50])
top_k =  tune.choice([1, 2])
max_tokens = tune.choice([100, 200])
model_name = tune.choice(["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4o"])
embedding_model = tune.choice(["text-embedding-ada-002", "text-embedding-curie-001"])
retrieval_strategy = tune.choice(["sentence-window", "auto-merging"])

3. Upload Evaluation Dataset and External Data

eval_json = {
    "queries": {
        "query1": "Describe the architecture of convolutional neural networks.",
        "query2": "What are the ethical implications of AI in healthcare?",
    "responses": {
        "query1": "Convolutional neural networks consist of an input layer, convolutional layers, activation functions, pooling layers, fully connected layers, and an output layer.",
        "query2": "Ethical implications include issues of privacy, autonomy, and the potential for bias, which must be carefully managed to avoid harm.",
pdf_url = ""

3a. Reranking Support

Nomadic supports reranking models to enhance the retrieval stage of the RAG pipeline. Reranking models, such as cross-encoders, can significantly improve the relevance of retrieved documents by scoring and reordering them based on their contextual relevance to the query. This process ensures that the most pertinent documents are provided to the language model for generating accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

To enable reranking in your experiments, specify a reranking_model in the hyperparameters and include it in the retrieval pipeline. You can experiment with different reranking models to find the one that best suits your use case. Currently supported options are: BM25, DPR, ColBERT, and Cross-encoder.

Evaluation Metrics for Retrieval and Inference

In this demo, we use specialized evaluation metrics that work specifically well for the retrieval / inferencing stages of a RAG.

A. Retrieval Evaluation Metrics

B. Inference Evaluation Metric

4. Run the Retrieval Experiment! 🚀

# Obtain RAG inputs
docs, eval_qs, ref_response_strs = obtain_rag_inputs(pdf_url=pdf_url, eval_json=eval_json)

# Run retrieval experiment
experiment_retrieval = Experiment(
        "top_k": top_k,
        "model_name": model_name,
        "retrieval_strategy": retrieval_strategy,
        "embedding_model": embedding_model
        "docs": docs,
        "eval_qs": eval_qs[:10],
        "ref_response_strs": ref_response_strs[:10],

# After the retrieval is done
retrieval_results ={
        "top_k": top_k,
        "model_name": model_name,
        "retrieval_strategy": retrieval_strategy,
        "embedding_model": embedding_model
save_run_results(retrieval_results, "run_results.json")

5. Run the Inferencing Experiment! 🚀

# Load the saved results and get the best run result
loaded_results = load_run_results("run_results.json")
best_run_result = get_best_run_result(loaded_results)
best_retrieval_results = best_run_result['metadata'].get("best_retrieval_results", [])

# Run inference experiment
experiment_inference = Experiment(
    params={"temperature","model_name", "max_tokens", "reranking_model", "similarity_threshold"},
        "best_retrieval_results": best_run_result['metadata'].get("best_retrieval_results", []),
        "ref_response_strs": ref_response_strs[:10],  # Make sure this matches the number of queries used in retrieval

inference_results ={
    "model_name": model_name,
    "temperature": temperature,
    "max_tokens": max_tokens,
    "reranking_model": "cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2",
    "similarity_threshold": 0.7,

6. Interpret Results

Now we visualize the retrieval score (for the best run result) along with the inferencing scores for different configurations.


Retrieval Results

Here are the results using the best-performing parameter configuration:


Inference Results

💡 Contributing

Interested in contributing? Contributions to Nomadic as well as contributing integrations are both accepted and highly encouraged! Send questions in our Discord.